Visit Switching Gear to find used or new sporting gear for every occasion!
Switching Gear provides the Bow Valley with a way to breathe new life into used outdoor clothing and equipment. This gem of a store repurposes the material things that enable us to connect with nature and take care of the environment.
Shop local, buy and sell used items to reduce your environmental footprint, spend time in the mountains.
Now that’s a collective spirit worth the investment for everyone.
Visit our new store in Calgary!

Everything you need to dress for the outdoors.
Pants, shorts, jackets, gloves, toques
- you name it!

Summer Sports
Our stock changes daily.
We carry bikes, skateboards, hiking boots,
bike shorts/pants,windbreakers,
surf shorts
and more.

Winter Sports
We've got you covered!
Large selection of skis, poles, boots, snowboards,
ice tools, beacons, skates, backpacks, jackets, and
Pop in and take a look around to find what you need.
Switching Gear carries a wide selection of equipment and clothing for a broad range of sports and mountain activities. Check it out…
Summer Hardwear | Summer Software | Winter Hardwear |
Bikes | Backpacks | Skis |
Skateboards | Surf shorts | Snowboards |
Mountain boards | Tanks/T-shirts | Poles |
Hiking boots | Flip flops | Ski boots |
Sunglasses | Golf attire | Ice tools |
Tennis racquets | Bike shorts | Touring gear |
Backpacks | Bike pants | Probes |
Disc golf | Windbreakers | Beacons |
Snowshoes |
Winter Software | Camping | Miscellaneous |
Winter Jackets | Backpacks | Golf Balls |
Down jackets | Tents | Tennis balls |
Ice climbing gear | Sleeping bags | Locks |
Gloves/mitts | Stoves | Water bottles |
Backpacks | Candles | Books |
Headlamps | Thermoses | |
Flashlights | Disc golf accessories | |
Binoculars | ||
Cookware and utensils |